Relocating to a new country is an adventure filled with excitement and challenges. If Thailand, the Land of Smiles, is your next destination, then this comprehensive guide, authored by Pacific Orientation Relocation Services (PORS) from Thailand, a trusted partner of Reloc8 Asia Pacific Group, is your essential companion.
With two decades of experience in providing dedicated relocation services to international clients and expatriates, PORS offers expert insights and practical advice tailored to your needs. Thailand, with its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and friendly locals, offers a unique blend of traditional and modern lifestyles. Whether you’re drawn to the bustling city life of Bangkok, the serene beaches of Phuket, or the mountainous region of Chiang Mai, this guide covers everything from the cost of living and healthcare system to education options and visa requirements.
Embark on your journey to making Thailand your new home with confidence and ease, guided by the expertise of the PORS team. For more information, visit their website at
What It’s Like to Live in Thailand

Thailand is an amazing country known for its warm and welcoming people. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Bangkok, in particular, draws expatriates who prefer its affordable cost of living, stable economy, and relative ease of doing business. The vibrant culture, warmth of the Thai people, and a more laid-back lifestyle also contribute to its appeal.
Cultural Differences
Despite embracing progress and globalization, Thai culture is still deeply rooted in old traditions and customs. The Thais are tolerant and patient people. They’re used to the presence of foreigners, and while Thais are forgiving people, they’re also easily offended.
Learning how to be polite in Thailand is easy if you follow these important dos and don’ts. It will help your family adjust quickly to Thai culture and prevent you from unintentionally offending someone.
Here are the top dos and don’ts in Thailand:
1. Take your shoes off
Like in other Asian countries, people in Thailand believe that the feet are unholy and unclean. This is why they take their shoes off before entering a house, temple, and even some restaurants, shops, and offices.
2. Dress properly
Thais dress modestly, and showing too much skin is considered disrespectful. This is especially true when visiting temples. Rules in Thailand state that before entering a temple, you should wear clothes that fully cover your shoulders and knees. The more formal the attire, the better.
3. Return a wai greeting
Bowing in Thailand is called the wai. It’s the traditional way Thais greet one another and say hello. When one is directed at you, you should always return it. Thais consider it disrespectful if a wai is not returned. The proper way to wai is to bring your hands together in front of your chest — make sure your hands are pointing upwards. Then bow your head until your nose touches your index fingers.
The wai is not only used to greet people; it is also used to apologize, thank someone or say goodbye.
4. Respect the monks
You’ll encounter monks all over Thailand, and you should always treat them with the utmost respect. Always bow when you meet one and never ask them overly personal questions. If you want to give them something, place the item in front of them instead of handing it directly. Women should be extra careful around monks because it’s strictly forbidden for women to touch monks or even brush against their robes.
5. Use a spoon
The proper way to eat in Thailand is with a spoon and fork. The spoon should be in the right hand and the fork in the left. The fork is only used to scoop the food onto the spoon; it should never enter your mouth.
6. Smile
Smiling is deeply rooted in Thai culture, which is why Thailand is called the Land of Smiles. It is an important part of Thai etiquette and can mean many things, including expressing various emotions such as embarrassment or frustration. Thais also smile to avoid confrontations. Thais are friendly people, and their smile is a way of showing respect, so if you’re the recipient of a smile, make sure you smile in return.
1. Don’t disrespect the Thai royal family
The Thai people have a deep reverence for their king and the royal family. Insulting, disrespecting, or talking ill of the king or images of the king can land you a one-way ticket to prison.
2. Don’t touch people’s heads
In Thailand, the head is revered as the highest and most sacred part of the body, therefore, you should never touch a person’s head or hair — this includes ruffling children’s hair. Don’t raise your feet over someone’s head, and don’t step over someone who is sleeping or sitting on the ground.
3. Don’t point
Pointing at someone in Thailand is as inappropriate and rude as it is in many other countries. Instead, lift your chin in the direction of the person you’re indicating. If you’re asking someone to come closer, raise your arm horizontally and wave your hand up and down. Pointing at animals and inanimate objects is generally tolerated, although it’s better to use your entire hand to gesture, instead of the index finger.
4. Don’t point using your feet
Pointing with your feet is just as rude as pointing with your fingers, especially when you’re pointing at Buddha statues in and outside of temples. You should also avoid showing the bottom of your feet because they’re considered to be extremely dirty, so don’t put your feet on top of tables and chairs.
5. Don’t disrespect Buddhas
Buddhism is the primary religion in Thailand; therefore you should respect the status and images of the Buddha. Climbing on Buddha statues in temples is highly offensive and is punishable by law. It’s also illegal to take images of the Buddha out of the country without special permission.
The official language of our country is Thai. English, which is a compulsory subject in public schools, is widely spoken and understood, particularly in Bangkok and other major cities.
Economy and Job Market
The Thai economy in 2023 is projected to expand within a range of 2.7 – 3.7 percent (with a midpoint of 3.2 percent). Key supporting factors include (1) the recovery of the tourism sector; (2) the expansion in both private and public investments; (3) the continual expansion of private consumption; and (4) the favorable growth of the agricultural sector. Private consumption expenditure is expected to increase by 3.2 percent. Private and public investments are projected to increase by 2.1 percent and 2.7 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, the export value of goods in US dollar terms is anticipated to decline by 1.6 percent. Headline inflation is estimated to be in the range of 2.5 – 3.5 percent and the current account is projected to record a surplus of 1.5 percent of GDP.
The unemployment rate in Thailand fell to 1.05 percent in the first quarter of 2023 from 1.15 percent in the previous quarter. This was the lowest figure since the first quarter of 2020, before the economy felt the full impact of the pandemic, due to a recovery in the crucial tourism sector. The number of unemployed individuals dropped to 420 thousand, while employment increased by 2.4% in Q1 from 1.5% in Q4 of 2022. In the first quarter of 2023, Thailand had a workforce of 39.6 million, the state planning agency said.
According to a WTW survey of over 620 companies across all sectors in Thailand, the projected salary increase this year is 5%. Over a quarter of companies (28%) polled intend to expand their workforce in 2023, primarily in high-demand fields like Sales, Engineering, Information Technology (IT), and Technicians. For the last three years in a row, IT job positions have been ranked as having the best job opportunities.
Data Scientists and Business Intelligence Analysts are in high demand and their pay reflects this. Leading experts in Thailand have predicted that in 2023, organizations will place a premium on digital-related positions, making careers in technology and digital marketing hot commodities.
At the same time, the attrition rate in Thailand has increased significantly from 9.1% in 2021 to 11.4% in 2022. Attraction and retention challenges continue to plague organizations and IT skills are most sought after by companies. Close to two-thirds (60%) of the respondents indicated the ability of their organizations to attract and retain digital talent as critical in achieving a successful digital transformation journey. This is a significant jump from 42% in 2020, and it is likely to continue rising.

Cost of Living
The cost of living in Thailand per month will be based on individual needs and factors like location, type of housing, and facilities. As food and utility costs are affordable in Thailand, you can expect to spend anywhere between $650 and $3,000 per month — which is around 2.6 times less than what you’d spend living in the U.S. each month.
So, the cost of living per month in Thailand will depend on your budget, but it will also be influenced by your personal lifestyle. You can expect your cost of living to fluctuate based on the adventures you want to splurge on, what kind of facilities you want to enjoy, and other factors.
Rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Bangkok can set you back USD$500-$800 per month. Utilities for a studio apartment will add USD$60-$75 per month. Additionally, internet access usually costs USD$15-$20 per month. Keep in mind that Thailand has a tropical climate. You may need to factor the cost of power for air conditioning into your monthly budget.
Health insurance is not mandatory in Thailand, but it is highly recommended – especially if you’re not covered by your employer. A good insurance policy will typically cost between $100 and $200 per month depending on your age and coverage needs.
- In Thailand, the family almost always comes first, with a much greater emphasis placed on the extended family than is typically seen in Western countries.
- The concept of “face” is important in the workplace as well, so criticism should be given privately and diplomatically.
- The hierarchy in Thai businesses is more pronounced, and respect for superiors is expected.
- Building personal relationships with colleagues is important in Thai business culture.
- Thai people may communicate more indirectly, and it’s important to read between the lines to understand what is being communicated.
- Thai people may avoid saying “no” directly to prevent offending others, so it’s important to pay attention to nonverbal cues.
- Thai people are hard-working and ambitious. Although their workday normally lasts 8 hours and their working week is typically 5 days, this is often theoretical. In fact, some Thai people work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, and may commute to work for 2 hours one way.
- Thai people dress modestly, as Thai culture emphasizes decent clothing.
- For the Thai people, the King is the most important person in the country.
- Thais are generally friendly and welcoming, but it may take time to build deeper relationships.
- Learning about Thai holidays and customs and participating in them can show respect and help build connections.
Healthcare Services
Types of Healthcare in Thailand
Thailand’s health service infrastructure consists of three components: government health services, non-profit health organizations (NGOs), and the private medical sector.
Government-funded healthcare is managed by the Department of Medical Services at the Ministry of Public Health, which oversees public health services, government hospitals, and other medical services. Public health facilities in Thailand offer good medical services, but most government hospitals can often be quite crowded, resulting in long waiting times.
Treatment is entirely free for Thai citizens who hold a Universal Coverage Health Card, issued by the National Health Security Office. In 2001, Thailand introduced the Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS), described as ‘one of the most ambitious healthcare reforms ever undertaken in a developing country’. Other public fundings include the Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme (CSMBS), the Worker Compensation Scheme (WCS) and the Social Security Scheme (SSS). However, the UCS covers the majority of the population with outpatient, inpatient and emergency care. If you are not a Thai citizen, you can expect to pay a fee for medical services at government hospitals, unless you have insurance or a Social Security Card.
The private medical sector in Thailand is booming, and the country is now one of the leading medical tourism destinations in Asia. Most private hospitals in Thailand have excellent staff, medical facilities, and hotel-like amenities that are arguably better than those in public hospitals, but fees are also more expensive.
A variety of non-profit health organizations, such as The Red Cross, World Vision, and Médecins Sans Frontières, also operate in Thailand to help disadvantaged people.
Health Insurance in Thailand
It’s important to have proper health insurance when living in Thailand.
If you are legally employed in Thailand, you will have access to free public healthcare as part of the state social security scheme. Both Thai citizens and expats working in the country are required to contribute 5% of their salaries to the Thai social security scheme.
If you are enrolled in the public healthcare system, you will be assigned a hospital where you can receive free treatment. You will just need to show your Social Security Number and ID.
In most cases, public health insurance works quite well and the quality of healthcare in most hospitals, including public hospitals, is very good. However, public insurance does have its drawbacks. You may have to deal with longer waiting times and you won’t be able to pick your doctor.
If you aren’t eligible for public health insurance, or if you are but would like access to a wider range of coverage, you can purchase private health insurance. When purchasing insurance, you will typically have two options. You will be able to go with a domestic plan where your coverage will be limited to Thailand or an international plan, which will cover you both in Thailand and abroad.
Private healthcare in Thailand is highly effective and grants you access to modern hospitals and facilities. You will also be able to choose the doctors you want to work with and find English-speaking personnel relatively easily.
Whenever you seek medical care in Thailand, it is important to have your medical insurance documents with you. If you are ever admitted to the hospital, you will be required to pay upfront for any treatment and then be reimbursed by your insurance. Most hospitals will recognize international private medical insurance, but you will need to pay for any services that are not covered by your insurance before you can be discharged from the hospital.
Educational System
Education is mandatory for Thai children from the age of six to the age of fifteen. Government public schools are free for all Thai national children, defined as a person who has at least one Thai parent and whose birth has been registered in Thailand. Thai parents are required to pay fees for books and other necessities and to buy a school uniform. Foreigners are required to pay tuition and other fees to enroll in any public school, whether bilingual or not.
Public schools in Thailand are often criticized for focusing too much on rote learning and not enough on independent thought. Copying and plagiarism are also widespread in Thai schools and in the educational system in general.
Few expats in Bangkok would likely choose to send their children to a government school, as private bilingual schools often offer higher standards with reasonable tuition fees, even if international schools are considered too expensive.
The Thai education system is divided into three levels:
- Level 1/ Nursery school – KG1 to KG3 for 3-5 years old
- Level 2/ Primary School, P1 to P6 (Prathom) for 6-11 years old
- Level 3 – Secondary School, M1 – M6 (Mattayom) for 12-18 years old.
International schools can be the perfect solution for an expat student in Thailand. There are three tiers in Thailand’s international school system. Tier 1 category is considered the best, and most expensive. Tier 2 schools offer slightly reduced fees, while Tier 3 caters to affluent Thai families rather than expats.
International schools in Thailand usually follow the American or British curriculum. There are also some schools that follow the German, Swiss, Japanese, Singaporean, or Indian curriculum.
International schools in Thailand must adhere to certain conditions set by the Ministry of Education, which include regulations regarding school ownership, location and structure of buildings, sanitary installations, administration, and educational support facilities such as libraries and resource centers.
Some international schools are listed at the website of the International Schools Association of Thailand or at the website of the Thai Ministry of Education.
The curriculums offered at international schools in Thailand fall into four main categories:
IB Curriculum
The International Baccalaureate is a venerable institution, dating back to 1968. It sets a high, yet manageable, standard for achievement, and places a heavy emphasis on both creative and critical thinking and co-operative learning.
American Curriculum
For the American Curriculum, it’s difficult to categorize what it specifically entails, as the US grants a great deal of autonomy to individual states to set their own curriculum standards. However, generally speaking the American curriculum model covers a broad range of courses in order to provide a well-rounded education and focuses on helping students make the most of their talents.
British Curriculum
British curriculum is heavily student-centered and focuses on achieving clear goals and standards. Successfully completing a course under the British curriculum nets you an International General Certificate of Secondary Education, or IGCSE, followed by AS and A-Levels.
A handful of international schools in Thailand offer the curricula of different countries besides those mentioned above. The French Curriculum is offered by Le Petite Ecole and Le Lycée Français International de Bangkok.
The German Curriculum is offered at Christliche Deutsche Schule in Chiang Mai and The First Steps International Pre-School in Bangkok.
St. Marks International School and The Australian International School (unsurprisingly) offer the Australian Curriculum.
Finally, the Singaporean Curriculum is offered by schools such as Thai-Singapore International School, or TSIS, Singapore International School of Bangkok, or SISB, and Anglo-Singapore.
School and Class Size
When it comes to class size, smaller is often considered better. Small classes offer a more personal experience. The teacher can better identify your daughter’s problems rather than have them become a face in the crowd, and they cater classes to your son’s skills, abilities, and interests. Many of the better international schools will set a cap on class size for these reasons.
However, this does limit the number of students a school can admit, thereby intensifying competition for entry. This could be a good thing for the school but is potentially a stressful and frustrating experience for you or your children.
When it comes to school size, opinions are generally more divided. Some prefer a larger school with more facilities, more funding, more chances to make friends. After all, your son doesn’t want to be cooped up in a small class with people he dislikes.
Others prefer a smaller school with a better sense of community. Your mileage may vary. Either way, it’s worth taking a little time to decide what works for your children and doing some research beforehand.
Learning Support and Counseling
If your children require additional learning support, it’s worth finding out what facilities the school provides beforehand. Many of the top schools will have a dedicated Special Needs Program for students with learning difficulties, and it’s also common for schools that conduct classes in English to offer English as an Additional Language Program, or EAL.
It’s also worth finding out what counseling facilities the school offers. Larger schools such as NIST will possess a whole counseling team dedicated to helping students with academic and emotional support. However, smaller schools may only have a single counselor. Depending on your child’s needs, finding this out beforehand may end up playing a key part in your decision to choose a school. However, at some schools, this extra counseling may be added to the bill.
Legal Considerations When Moving to Thailand
If you’re planning to move to Thailand, you’ll need to apply for a Thai non-immigrant visa. Additionally, if your stay exceeds 90 days, you’re required to submit a 90-Day Report to the Thai Immigration authorities.
Typically, non-immigrant visas are issued for a maximum of 90 days. Therefore, if you wish to extend your stay, you’ll need to apply for an extension from the Bureau of Immigration. Moreover, if you plan to leave the country during the extension period, you should also obtain a Re-Entry Permit, which can be issued for either single or multiple entries.

If you’re considering a move to Thailand for more than three months, you have the following options:
- Move to Thailand for work.
- Move to Thailand to study.
- Move to Thailand for marriage.
- Move to Thailand for retirement.
Process of Acquiring Work Visas for Professionals and Their Families
The Thai government issues two types of Business Visas:
- Single-Entry Thai Business Visa, which allows you to enter Thailand once and stay for up to 90 days.
- Multiple-Entry Thai Business Visa, which is valid for one year and allows you to enter multiple times and stay in Thailand up to 90 days per entry.
What Documents for a Thailand Business Visa Application?
The documents which support your Thai Business Visa application are:
- Your passport, which is valid for at least another six months and has at least two blank visa pages.
- A completed and signed Thailand Business Visa Application Form. You may be able to download it from the website of the embassy/consulate or get it there if you apply in person.
- Passport-sized picture of yourself, with the following specifications:
- Dimensions: 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm.
- White background.
- Taken within the last six months.
- You must have a neutral facial expression, staring straight ahead.
- Your entire face must be fully visible.
- Headgear is only allowed for religious purposes and even then, only if it does not cover the face.
- Glasses are allowed only if they do not cover your eyes and do not have heavy frames.
- Proof of sufficient financial means to cover the duration of your stay. You need 20,000 Thai Baht if you are traveling alone and 40,000 Thai Baht if you are traveling as a family.
- A letter from your employer, which states your position, how long you have been employed, your salary, and the reason you’re visiting Thailand.
- A Letter of Invitation from the company in Thailand.
- Proof of Thai travel health insurance.
- Relevant documents that show your correspondence with your business partners in Thailand.
- Documents related to the inviting company in Thailand, which are signed by the Company’s Board of Directors, and authorized managing director, and hold the seal of the company.
- Their business license and business registration
- The list of company stockholders
- The company profile.
- The details of the business operation
- The company’s balance sheets, Income Tax, and Business Tax statements for the past year.
- The company’s location shown on a map.
- You may be asked to provide any additional documents as the representative’s office sees fit.
- All the documents you submit must be translated into Thai or English, and notarized.
- There are different regulations for each visa category and requirements can change according to your nationality, the country from where you are applying, and the purpose of your stay. For further details, please always contact the Thai Embassy or Consulate.
- Most non-immigrant visas are initially valid for 90 days. You will then have to apply for a temporary work permit at the Department of Employment or the local Employment Office. You will also need an extension of stay from the Office of Immigration Bureau or one of its local branches.
How to Apply for a Thailand Business Visa?
You must apply for a Thailand Business Visa from one of the diplomatic mission offices of Thailand in your country, or a country near you.
- Contact the Embassy or Consulate. You can also visit their website to learn about their specific requirements regarding appointments, visa application submissions, opening hours, and visa fee payment. Different offices may have their own specific different requirements.
- Collect the required documents for a Thai Business Visa.
- Submit the Thai Business Visa application. Depending on where you apply, you can submit the application:
- In-person on the date of your appointment; or
- By mail, in which case you must enclose a pre-paid and self-addressed envelope so the Embassy/Consulate can return your passport and documents.
- Wait for the Embassy/Consulate staff to process your visa application.
- Retrieve your passport and documents.
- If you applied in person, you have to pick up the passport yourself.
- If you applied by mail, they will be mailed back to you.
If your Thai Business Visa application is approved, you must enter the country within the duration that the visa is issued.
How Long Does It Take to Process a Thailand Business Visa Application?
The processing time for a Thailand Business Visa depends on the specific representative office through which you apply. However, you should give it about 5 – 10 business days, although some offices process visas in as little as two days.
How Much Does the Thailand Business Visa Cost?
The cost of a Thai Business Visa depends on the type of visa you receive. As such:
- Single-entry Thailand Business Visa fee is 2,000 Thai Baht (about USD 65)
- Multiple-entry Thailand Business Visa fee is 5,000 Thai Baht (about USD 164)
The fees could change slightly from one country to the next, based on the local currency. Additionally, the method for visa fee payment can also change because some offices will only accept cash, while others may require you to pay through bank transfer.
Can I Bring My Family Members with Me to Thailand with a Business Visa?
If you want to bring your dependent family members to Thailand with you, they must apply for a category “O” Non-Immigrant Visa, which allows them to stay in Thailand for no more than a year.
What Is the Difference Between a Business Visa and Work Visa for Thailand?
Technically, a Thailand Business Visa and a Work Visa are the same thing: they are both a “B” Category Non-Immigrant Visa. However, a B Non-immigrant Visa on its own does not authorize you to work. Foreigners who want to work and be paid in Thailand must apply for a Work Permit.
The terms Business Visa and Work Visa are not official terms used by the Thai government – they are the terms that expats and travelers use.
So, to sum up, the difference between the two is:
- A Thailand Business Visa is a “B” Category Non-Immigrant Visa that allows you to go to Thailand for business-related purposes for which you won’t be paid by a Thai company.
- A Thailand Work Visa is also a “B” Category Non-Immigrant Visa. With just the visa, you cannot work. To work and be paid by a Thai employer, you need a Thai Work Permit. Once you have the work permit, you will live in Thailand on what is referred to as a “Work Visa”.
Thailand Non-Immigrant Visa Requirements
When you submit a Thai Non-Immigrant Visa application, you must have several supporting documents, such as:
- Your passport, which must be valid for at least another six months and have at least two blank visa pages. If you’re applying for a one-year visa, your passport should be valid for at least another 18 months.
- A completed and signed Thailand Visa application form. You may be able to download it from the website of the Embassy or Consulate where you are applying or get it there if you apply in person.
- Passport-sized picture of yourself, with the following specifications:
- White background
- Taken within the last six months.
- You must have a neutral facial expression, staring straight ahead.
- Your entire face must be fully visible.
- Headgear is only allowed for religious purposes and even then, only if it does not cover the face.
- Glasses are allowed only if they do not cover your eyes and do not have heavy frames.
- Proof of sufficient financial means to cover the duration of your stay. You need 20,000 Thai Baht if you are traveling alone and 40,000 Thai Baht if you are traveling as a family.
- Payment of the Thai Non-Immigrant Visa fee
- Additional documents depending on the purpose of your stay.
How Can I Apply for a Thailand Non-Immigrant Visa?
You must apply for a Thai Non-Immigrant Visa from a Thai Embassy or Consulate in your country.
- Contact the Thailand Embassy or Consulate where you will submit the visa application or visit their website. Learn about the opening hours, working days, and if you must make an appointment.
- Collect the required documents for the specific Non-Immigrant Visa you are applying for.
- Submit the documents and visa application. Depending on which Embassy/Consulate you apply in, you can submit the application:
- In-person
- Through the post, in which case you have to enclose a pre-paid and self-addressed envelope.
- Wait for the application to be processed.
- Collect your passport with the visa affixed. If you applied by mail, the Embassy/Consulate will mail it to you.
Note: If you are already in Thailand on another type of visa, you can apply to change the category to another type of Non-Immigrant Visa at the Thailand Immigration Department in Bangkok. This does not apply to holders of a Thai Visa on Arrival.
How Much Does a Thailand Non-Immigrant Visa Cost?
The processing fee for a Thai Non-Immigrant Visa changes depending on several factors, such as the local currency, the duration of the visa, and the Embassy/Consulate to which you apply.
However, you can expect to pay approximately:
- 2,000 Thai Baht for a single-entry Non-Immigrant Visa with three-months validity.
- 5,000 Thai Baht for a multiple-entry Non-Immigrant Visa with one-year validity.
Processes for Setting Up a New Business or a Branch of an Existing Company
A private limited company is the most common business structure foreign investors choose to establish their presence in the country. However, you must complete several steps and requirements before setting up the local entity in Thailand.
The process is intricate and best done by a service provider. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of registering a Thai company, outlining the details you need to consider getting your company registered the way you want it.
Step 1: Reserve a Company Name
The company registration process starts with reserving your company name with the Department of Business Development (DBD).
The name you can choose for your company does have some restrictions. For example, it must not be identical to or resemble the name of a pre-existing registered partnership or company, either in English or Thai. The company name will be registered in both languages. Sometimes foreign investors check that the name they want is available in English only, and then when the check is run on the Thai transliteration, the DBD will reject it for being too close to an existing Thai company name.
Certain terms are also prohibited from being used in company names and if ‘Thailand’ is included, it must be in brackets at the end of the name. It is recommended to suggest three names ranked by priority to maximize the chances of your success.
The trading name of your business can be different from the company name. You can also use the same name for several companies provided that you accompany the name with a different figurative word (for example, ABC Trading Ltd, ABC Holdings Ltd, or ABC Capital Ltd). Once the name is approved, the name will be valid for 30 days, and no extension is permitted. Within this period, step two must be completed.
Step 2: Prepare and Sign Documents
We will collect essential information about your new company, prepare the paperwork, collect your signature, and submit the documents to the DBD. To prepare the Statutory Meeting for the adoption of the MOA and draft the registration application documents, we will require you to provide the following details:
- The name of the proposed company.
- The province of the Kingdom where the registered office of the company will be situated.
- The objectives of the company.
- The amount of share capital that the company proposes to be registered.
- The names, addresses, occupations, and signatures of the promoters (at least two individuals – not corporate entities).
- The value and number of shares subscribed to by each of the promoters, whether they are paid up or not, and whether they are ordinary or preference shares.
- The name and address of the registered director or directors.
- The address of the registered office, and any branch offices.
- Personal details of the ultimate shareholders or company registration details in the case of a corporate shareholder.
Step 3: Register the Company
The processing time will depend on the specifics of your business. Once completed, you will receive the registration documents along with a company/tax ID.
The registration fee for a private limited company is THB 5,500 per THB 1 million of the registered capital.
Step 4: Open a Company Bank Account
Specify what bank and branch, what type of account you require, and who will sign.
Step 5: Register for Corporate Income Tax and VAT
Once your company has been registered and within 60 days of incorporation or the commencement of operations, you will need to apply for and obtain a company corporate tax ID card from the Revenue Department.
The need to register for VAT arises from employing foreigners and exceeding a yearly revenue of 1.8M THB. You will need to provide documents from the owner of your business premises and a copy of the lease agreement.
Step 6: Social Fund Registration
Your employees (both Thai and foreign) need to be registered with Social Security Fund (SSF). Please provide copies of their ID cards, photos at their workplace, salary, and position details.
A company that has one or more employees must register at the Social Security Office within 30 days of hiring its first employee. Foreigners who are legally working in Thailand must also register and are entitled to the same benefits as Thai employees. There are stiff penalties for failing to register staff within the timeframe. The guide on Social Security explains the contribution rates.
Step 7: Obtaining Visas and Work Permits
This is another troublesome task in the process of starting a foreign business and hiring foreign employees. Again, it is an advantage to hire or consult a lawyer in this field to make things right and easy for you and your business.
Applying for Visas
An accounting firm can take the burdensome paperwork from you although you can do it yourself at the Thai embassy of your country. An application for a non-immigrant visa requires copies of your company registration, a letter from your local labor industry and from your Thai company partner, which offers employment, a list of documents available at the Thai embassy, and a fee of $20 for the agent who will double-check your documents and will apply on your behalf.
Applying for Work Permits
A non-immigrant B visa does not allow a foreigner to work in Thailand. He or she needs a work permit. Upon receipt of a work visa, your employee must go to Thailand to apply for a permit to work. The grant of a work permit requires four Thai workers per foreign applicant to work in your company and two million baht of capital. You are exempt from this if you are promoted by the BOI. The grant of two work permits doubles the requirements.
Your employee can begin working after filing their application and waiting for its approval, which takes a month on average. But it will take only a few days if all the applicant’s documents are ready.
Requirements for Permanent Residency or Citizenship
Obtaining status as a Permanent Resident (PR) in Thailand has many advantages. It allows you to live permanently in Thailand, with no requirement to apply for an extension of stay. You can also have your name on a house registration document, and you will be able to buy a condominium without making a bank transfer from abroad. Getting a work permit is also made easier once you have PR status.
In addition to this, you can be eligible to become a director of a Thai public company, as well as eventually apply to become a naturalized Thai citizen. You will also be able to apply for an extension of stay and Permanent Resident status for your non-Thai family members.
All applications for Thai Permanent Residency are processed by the Royal Thai Immigration Commission. The annual quota for granting permanent residency in Thailand is a maximum of 100 persons per country. The application period for Thai PR is usually from October to the end of December of every year.
To apply to become a Thai Permanent Resident, you must meet the following criteria:
- You must have had a Thai non-immigrant visa for at least three years before the submission of your application. Holders of multiple non-immigrant visas cannot apply. You must have 3 consecutive yearly extensions to qualify.
- You must be a holder of a non-immigrant visa at the time of submitting your application.
- You must be able to meet one of these categories to apply for PR status in Thailand:
- Investment category (minimum 3 – 10 Mil. Baht investment in Thailand)
- Working/ Business category
- Support a family or Humanity Reasons category: In this category, you must have a relationship with a Thai citizen or an alien who already possesses a residence permit as a husband or wife; father or mother; or a guardian of a Thai child under 20 years of age.
- Expert / academic category
- Other categories as determined by Thai Immigration
You should note that the list of required documents for the application depends on the category under which the application is made.
Once your application for Thai Permanent Residency is approved, a residence blue book is issued to you. You must then register your place of residence in Thailand at the local Amphur and obtain a house card. A week after the receipt of your residence certificate you can then apply for an alien book (red book) at the local police station, which is the equivalent of the Thai national ID card. You must re-register there every year.
The Residency Permit itself never expires unless revoked. To be able to leave the country and return to Thailand, however, requires you to apply for a re-entry permit (endorsement).
You can apply to become a Thai naturalized citizen after holding Permanent Resident status in Thailand for 10 consecutive years.
Work Culture
Working Etiquette
- In Thailand, you should avoid pointing out mistakes and criticizing in front of other people.
- Avoid raising your voice while talking to your coworkers and bosses. Greetings are also important in the work environment, so don’t forget to give the most senior person a “wai greeting” with a slight bow.
- Exchanging business cards is very common. If you have dual-language cards, present yours with the Thai language side up and with both hands.
- In terms of the dress code, being conservative is always better since it is a workplace. The way you dress is linked to respect.
- Gift-giving is another essential part of Thai work culture. Reciprocal gifts are common, but it’s best not to open the gift in front of the person who gave it.
Working With Thai People
- In general, Thai people tend to avoid confrontation even in business meetings. Also, if you’re making a mistake at work, it’s unlikely that you’ll be warned about it directly because they won’t want to hurt your feelings.
- Thai people are also not very competitive; however, you are still expected to do your best. If you’re planning on working in Thailand, don’t expect the same competitiveness that exists in other countries.
- Being polite and helpful is as important as speaking softly and nicely if you want to build relationships with Thai people inside the office.
- Thais are also very conservative when meeting for the first time as they don’t usually barrage you with questions. It’s not that they’re not friendly, they’re just not that open to asking personal questions to strangers.
- Another point to note is that Thai people often say they understand even when they don’t. Of course, not everybody is like this, but if you give a Thai employee a task and ask “Do you understand?” they will typically reply “yes” even if they don’t.
Business Customs
Building Business Relationships
Thai culture is a lot more relaxed than in other countries. When people know you, they may ask you a lot of questions that you might think are personal, but this is just a way to get to know you better. To build a successful business relationship in Thailand, you will need to be open and upfront.
Before Thai people will agree to do business with you, they will want to first develop a personal relationship with you. They need to be able to trust you and relate to you.
Your first meetings may involve more dining and entertainment than talking about business. Be personable by talking about things that interest your Thai business contacts and show sincere interest in their lives.
Like many Asian countries, Thailand respects hierarchies and most people have a great respect for their elders. People will want to try to determine where you fall in this hierarchy so that they can give you the proper respect.
Make this process easier for people you come in contact with by offering your business card, which will clearly display your job title and role within the company.
Business Attire
In Bangkok, business attire is more formal and conservative than in other parts of the country. Dark shades are usually acceptable and more expected than bright, vibrant colors. Stick to grays and browns since black is only used at funerals.
Businessmen often take their jacket off and hold it over their shoulders when it gets too hot – this is acceptable and not seen as too informal.
Businesswomen sometimes use more color than their male counterparts, but women should avoid bright red.
Talking Points
When you are talking to Thai business contacts, be respectful.
Use the term Khun before addressing a superior, which is equivalent to Mr., Mrs. Ms., and Miss. Avoid interrupting others when they are talking.
Avoid speaking negatively about any Thai political figures. Also, avoid teasing or playfully mocking the people with whom you are speaking. This is not expected and may be taken seriously. Also, avoid correcting others.
Other Tips
Do not pass objects over a person’s head or touch their head or hair. Thai people consider the head sacred, and these actions are considered disrespectful.
When giving gifts or handing something to someone, use both hands. Passing something to someone one-handed can be considered offensive.
Typical Workday and Work Week
The Thai Ministry of Labor regulates working hours in the country. Working hours are usually 40 over a five-day period but can be up to a maximum of 48 hours per week.
Employees should receive a one-hour break after working for 5 consecutive hours unless there is an additional agreement between the employee and employer. Since break hours are not considered working time, they are unpaid.
Employees should have a minimum of one day’s rest per week and the gap between days off must not exceed six days.
Tips for Making Good Business Relationships
Thailand has a group-oriented culture. Individual desires are seen as less important than the sense of belonging in a group and maintaining harmony amongst its members. Relationships should be built over time, as trust plays an integral role in the building process.
Smiling is considered a great way and can make a huge difference. Stay positive and relaxed. Be sincere with your work.
The people of Thailand prefer building friendly relations before discussing business. Before reaching a final decision, the issues need to be addressed at different levels. This is because Thailand has a pro-business attitude.
The first meetings take place over entertainment, lunch, or drinks. This is one of the important parts of building mutual relations with your potential clients. Another important criterion in Thai communication is the way you use your body language. Always communicate with others with respect. Indirect responses and delicate body language help in preventing any kind of misunderstanding and confusion.
Meeting schedules and appointments must be made beforehand. Before making arrangements for business, it is important to decide on the date, time, and venue of the meeting. You can show your respect by proving your punctuality. Thais are highly punctual and conscious about time. You have to be punctual during important meetings and discussions.
Commonly Available Accommodation
In Thailand there are mainly four types of residential properties. Typical types of properties for rent in Bangkok are below.
- An apartment is usually defined as a mid or high-rise building owned by a single landlord. Apartment rentals are normally furnished with major appliances, and most have common facilities such as swimming pools, gyms, and car parking. The owner looks after the management and maintenance of the whole apartment building, including the interiors of the individual flats.
- A serviced apartment building is owned by a single landlord who controls every unit within the building, which are rented fully furnished and equipped, including linen, cutlery, and crockery. A maid service is also provided. Most serviced apartments in Bangkok have swimming pools, gyms, a coffee shop, or restaurant, as well as telephone lines and internet access. They offer a similar level of service to hotels and can be rented on a daily or monthly basis. A serviced apartment is ideal for people needing to rent in Bangkok on a short stay basis and expats who have just relocated to Bangkok.
- A condo or condominium also known as an apartment or flat in other countries – is a building where individuals own the residential units and where common areas and facilities are jointly owned by all the co-owners. Units are normally furnished, and facilities are similar to apartments. The main difference between a condo and an apartment is the ownership structure and the property management. In a condominium, the building management maintains the common areas of the property and the individual owners are responsible for their units.
- A house can be in a gated real estate development or be a stand-alone property. Almost all houses for rent in Bangkok belong to individual owners who are responsible for the maintenance. Some gated communities offer a clubhouse, swimming pool, playground, and gym. There are also townhouses which are multi-level and terraced. They may have a small rear garden which is not particularly private. In Bangkok, there are some gated townhouse developments which provide facilities such as a pool for residents. Maintenance services in a townhouse for rent in Bangkok may not be as good as a well-managed rented apartment, especially for stand-alone properties.
Housing Prices Across Different Regions
Rent in Bangkok is around USD 486 to USD 730 per month for a one-bedroom apartment.
Low-rent places like Chiang Mai can cost around USD 278 to USD 600 a month for a one-bedroom apartment.
Pattaya rentals vary a lot as you can find places for around USD 500 – USD 800 a month. However, if you are looking for more luxurious and larger accommodation, you should be ready to spend around USD 1,000 a month.
Rent in Phuket is around USD 420 to USD 600 per month for a one-bedroom apartment.
Koh Samui will cost more than the average city in Thailand. You can expect to spend USD 462 to USD 565 a month on a one-bedroom apartment.
Key Considerations When Searching for Housing
Undoubtedly location has been a key reason people decide to buy/ rent property – the more prospered, the more attractive. Below are the factors that people spend their money on real estate in Thailand.
Location: Despite numerous other factors, location still tops the list due to its biggest impact. However, luxury doesn’t always translate to higher demand; consumers consider more whether the location is suitable to their lifestyle, and even places distant from the inner city are in high demand nowadays – especially those supported by mass transit lines.
Infrastructure and available amenities: It’s also vital to gauge the potential of your location: will the price of the property leap or become sterile in the future? Knowing that there are, or will be, mass transit lines or stunning shopping venues near your residence is a sign that your location has got some potential.
Security and safety of the location/area: Now real estate developments are decentralizing into the suburbs where the costs are lower. A lot of consumers find it more convenient to live some distance from the hectic city, yet still connected to the mass transit line for daily commute.
Price per sqm: Experienced buyers would prioritize price per sqm over the full starting price because it could be benchmarked with other projects. Many enticing starting prices resulted in confined unit space.
Accessibility to public transport: The mass transit line is not the only mode of public transport buyers consider when looking at a property – taxis, motorcycle taxis, and expressways are also included. Many consumers’ workplaces are in the city and the more convenient they can reach there, the more likely they will choose that location. Public transport doesn’t need to be at their doorsteps but is conveniently reachable.
Design and construction: Besides reasonable usable area, the design also needs to match the buyer’s preferences nowadays. The interior and exterior must respond to their identity with a sense of pride and trend. This goes to the level of material selection and safety of the construction. It’s a long-term asset that every aspect is counted.
Size of property/unit: Not only does unit size need to match the population, but the project’s area also needs to contribute to a relaxed living.
Facilities within the property: Clubhouse and unique features and activities are appealing in the eyes of buyers. Swimming and fitness facilities are expected, while trendy and impressive ones like Co-working spaces, cinema rooms, or pet allowance could make a difference. After an exhausting day of work, residents need to relax and unwind with these soothers.
Process of Purchasing a Property
If you are a foreigner wanting to buy property in Thailand, whether a villa or condo but not certain as to how this is done. Here, you will find the basic breakdown of what needs to be done and how to buy property or any real estate in Thailand.
- Select a Property Agent in Thailand
Since you will be looking for property in a foreign country you need expert local assistance. The real estate agent knows how to communicate in Thai and they’re familiar with the geographical area. The agent will save you valuable time in selecting and showing you the property in your price range that meets your needs.
Purchasing directly from the developer isn’t going to save you money as compared to buying property in Thailand from a property agent. A quality property for sale in Thailand is generally offered at a fixed price by the Seller. The best benefit of using a property agent is that they will act as a liaison between you and the Seller. They will obtain a fair price for you and act on your behalf to represent your best interests throughout the entire process.
- Legal Planning with your Property Lawyer in Thailand
Remember that you are spending part of your life savings to acquire this property and you must carefully plan your steps in the process. You are buying property in Thailand as a foreigner, and you need to know the correct legal process for you to acquire the property. Before you sign any deposit agreement or contract, you should sit down with a Thai property lawyer to discuss the legal process.
- Do a Title Search
A comprehensive examination of a title deed recorded at the Land Office should be done. You need to verify that the Seller has a clear and legal title deed of the land before you enter into a contractual agreement.
The title search will trace the land to its first possession. It will reveal any registered interests on the land such as mortgage or liens. This title search will also verify the rights reserved to access your property, the residential zoning, environmental and planning codes applicable in the area. It is a good idea to make sure that you can build a structure on the land.
- Make a Deposit
When you feel satisfied with the property, you will be asked to make a deposit to show your good faith to continue the process.
In return, the Seller will reserve the property for you and start the process by drafting the contracts for purchase. Unless you specifically write a “get-out” clause in the deposit agreement, for example “subject to clear title” or “subject to agreement on the contract terms,” the money deposited is non-refundable.
- Review of the Thai Property Contract
The Seller will have the property contract prepared for you. Since the Seller will write the contract, it is highly recommended that you have a property lawyer to do a property contract review and the terms and conditions. You will want protection for your interests should there be a delay in the property being built. A proper remedy should be stated in the contract.
The Purchase and Sales Agreement (PSA) will contain a clause for a penalty if you are late with your payment. This should be fair and reasonable to both parties should the Seller default.
Your payment schedule and its ration should be reasonable and practical. Normally, the first payment is 25 percent. Thereafter payments are made on a progressive basis: 25 percent when the roof is on, 25 percent when the door and windows are secure; and 25 percent when the fixtures and fittings are completed for instance.
Common Questions about Buying Property in Thailand
Can foreigners buy a condominium unit in Thailand?
In Thailand, foreigners may only own a condominium in his/her own name. Foreigners can take ownership of a condo by either purchasing a condo unit with a freehold title or entering into a long lease agreement, commonly known as “Leasehold”. Foreigners may acquire freehold ownership of a condo unit within the set foreign ownership quota of a condominium. By law, foreigners can own up to 49% of the total saleable area of a condominium project. The remaining 51% can be acquired under leasehold ownership. Leasehold gives the right of use and possession of the unit for a set period of time and is fully transferable. The maximum lease period is 30 years with an additional 30 years renewal. In most cases, developers of condominiums will offer a total of 90 years ownership (30yrs + 30yrs + 30yrs).
There are very few requirements for buying a condo in Thailand as a foreigner. However, a foreigner must remit foreign currency into Thailand in order to purchase a condo.
What are the taxes associated with and additional running costs to owning a condominium?
There is a property tax associated with owning a condo depending on the property price. All co-owners will also have to contribute to the general upkeep and running of the condominium, this required payment is known as a CAM Fee (Common Area Maintenance Fee). Your fee will be calculated per month based on the total square meter of your condominium unit.
Example: CAM Fee 50 baht per sqm, per month, condo unit size 100 sqm, total yearly fee = 50 baht X 100 sqm = 5,000 baht per month X 12 months = 60,000 baht per year.
Condos also have a special reserve fund for major repairs and upgrades of the building, this is known as a “Sinking Fund Fee”.
Can foreigners buy land in Thailand?
If the foreigner wishes to acquire land and build a house, he/she should obtain a long-term lease on the land (for a period not exceeding 30 years each term). Read more about “Leases in Thailand”.
The foreigner should apply for the construction permit to build the house in their own name. This way the foreigner owns the house and has a secured long term lease on the land. The lease can be written with the option to reassign to another person (if you sell), ability to sublease and with a purchase option (should the law change in the future to allow freehold ownership by the foreigner). Therefore, a lease is the most common legal method for the foreigner to acquire property in Thailand.
Am I allowed to build and own any structure on land?
Legally, any building is considered as being a part of land over which such building is constructed. However, a building may be considered as a separation part when it is a tenant of land who builds a building under a leasing agreement. Therefore, a foreigner may own any building on his rented land in Thailand.
If your spouse is Thai, and you are planning to build a house on his/her land, you are recommended to sign a lease agreement with your spouse indicating that you are a tenant. This way, you shall have joint ownership over such structure together with your spouse but not over the land.
How to buy property through a Thai company?
Some property buyers may prefer a holding structure, with more ownership rights than a leasehold title. In this case, it is possible to set-up a Thai company for property acquisitions, this method sits in the “grey-area” of the Thai legal system. The Thai government and the Land Offices overseeing property transfers across the country, do not encourage this practice.
For a company to be classified as a “Thai Entity”, at least 51% of the shareholding needs to be held by Thai nationals. The main concern of the authorities is the unauthorized use of “Nominee Thai Shareholders”, that are essentially “fake investors” used to facilitate property purchase.
However, provided foreign buyers comply with the law (Using “real” shareholders/ Thai partners), this option offers a good degree of indirect ownership and control.
This ownership structure is commonly used by investors to purchase landed property such as villas with their spouse or foreign developers looking to acquire developable land plots.
Should foreigners buy a condo or a landed property?
Ultimately it comes down to the buyer’s personal lifestyle preferences or investment objectives. Landed property oftentimes offers amazing value on a price per square meter basis; there is also the extra advantage of greater control over the land and the building. Comparatively condominiums, due to their communal nature, can severely restrict refurbishments, renovations, general privacy, and control. On the other hand, condominiums offer the most straightforward and liquid property type, offering foreign buyers a hassle-free purchase with a simple “exit strategy”. The ease and flexibility offered by condominiums make it an appealing choice for many foreign buyers.
Main Forms of Transportation
The transportation system in Bangkok can be a little chaotic. However, the city deals with a lot of overbridges, smooth highways, well-maintained roads, traffic jams, and confusing routes for tourists.
The following are the modes of public transport in Bangkok and their details which will come in handy when visiting the ever-so-bustling city.
Taxis in Bangkok
Taxis exist all over the world and are a very popular and convenient mode of transportation. Bangkok is clearly not an exception to this, for the city is flooded with air-conditioned taxis whizzing through the streets. At present, there are about 150,000 taxis in Bangkok in a combination of many colors which do not really have any special significance.
A taxi with a red or green neon light turned on in the front window indicates that it is available for a ride.
Things to keep in mind when hiring a taxi in Bangkok:
- Most Thai taxi drivers are not so proficient in English, so it is advisable to note down the destination name on a piece of paper and show it to the driver.
- Do make it a point to travel using the taxi meter. Refuse to hop in if the driver asks for a random fare instead.
- The taxi helpline number is 1164 which helps passengers if they are stuck in any tussle with the driver.
- Try to avoid taking a taxi during rush hours (7 AM – 9 AM; 5 PM – 8 PM)
Taxi fares in Bangkok: It starts from 35 BAHT and increment at a rate of 5 BAHT per kilometer. Once you are stuck in traffic, the rate boils down to 2 BAHT per minute.
Tuk-Tuks in Bangkok
Tuk-Tuks are a unique option for short-distance public transport in Bangkok. They are eco-friendly and quite a fun and unique commuting experience for tourists. It is the most suitable for those who have a lot of luggage with them. Tuk-Tuks are really spacious and allow a lot of cargo to be kept.
Things to keep in mind when hiring a Tuk Tuk in Bangkok.
- Keep your belongings safely between your legs and watch out for notorious snatchers who sway around the city of Bangkok.
- Sometimes they can be more expensive than taxis and it is thus highly recommended to explore all the options and compare the fares before booking a ride.
- There always lies a risk of potential scams as the drivers could go to any extent to somehow take extra money from their passengers.
Tuk-Tuk fare in Bangkok: Hone your bargaining skills up to the mark, for you need a lot of it! Before getting into a Tuk-Tuk, set a price skillfully, for there exists no standard, predetermined fare for such a ride.
BTS (Sky Train), MRT (Subway), and Airport Link Trains in Bangkok
Getting stuck in traffic can be very annoying and frustrating at times, especially when you are in a rush. Worry not, for your desire to skip all that and sail over the massive congestion is made possible by the BTS (Sky Train), MRT(Subway), and Airport Link of Bangkok. It may seem to be a little confusing at first glance, but it’s reliable, safe, and more convenient unlike the other modes of public transport in Bangkok.
Things to keep in mind when taking BTS and MRT in Bangkok
- The BTS trains operate from 5 AM to 12 AM all throughout.
- The MRT trains operate from 5 AM to 12 AM as well. It runs every 10 minutes. However, during rush hours (6 AM – 9 AM; 5 PM – 8 PM), it runs every 5 minutes!
- The Airport link trains operate from 6 AM to 12 AM.
- The BTS has several lines, 2 of which are in high demand:
- The Sukhumvit Line: It runs from North to South starting at Mo Chit and ending at Samrong. It sweeps through important areas like Victory Monument, Siam which happens to be the Central Station, Nana, Asok, and all the other stations on the street Sukhumvit.
- The Silom Line: The terminal stations for this line are the National Stadium and the Bang Wa in Thonburi.
- There are several lines in the MRT. The Blue Line and the Purple Line are in high demand. The Blue line starts at Hua Lamphong. The Purple line connects outer Bangkok with central Bangkok and is mainly used by the local Thais. The essential stops covered by the MRT include Donmuang airport, Chatuchak Market, and Sukhumvit.
- The Airport Rail Link has only one line which connects the city to Suvarnabhumi airport.
MRT, BTS, and Airport Express Link commuting fares are standardized and pre-determined. The ticket machine lists all the rates along with their destinations.
Chao Phraya Express Boat
The Chao Phraya Express is a feasible replacement for the heavy traffic on the roads of Bangkok. It provides a great experience of traveling along the waterway alongside providing the view of the whole city from the river. It is a relaxing journey unless they get caught in the overcrowded rush hour madness.
Things to keep in mind when taking an Express Boat in Bangkok
- The orange flag boat operates from 6 AM to 7 PM. It arrives every 20 minutes. They are the most common types starting from the central peer and going to the 30th peer which is the Nonthaburi.
- The blue flag boat operates from 9 AM to 6 PM. It connects the 9 main tourist spots of Bangkok.
Express Boat fare in Bangkok: The orange boat costs 15 BAHTS per person, no matter how long one travels. The blue flag boat costs 50 BAHTS per person for a one-time travel.
App Operated Transportation Services
Nowadays, with the advent of technology, public transport in Bangkok has become relatively easier. You could definitely worry less about intra-city commuting if you have your smartphone with you. The following two are extremely convenient modes of online taxi services in Bangkok, which have come into existence in recent days.
a. Grab Taxi
The Grab-taxi application allows the user to put their pickup and drop locations on the application through their smartphones and enjoy a smooth ride. It is a great alternative to regular taxis since it bridges the language barrier between the traveler and the driver.
- You have to pay 70 BATHS more to take the express highway in order to skip the traffic.
- Do check for promo codes that are available as it reduces the fare.
b. Go Bike
This application is said to be an initiative by the Thai government for the convenience of tourists. It is usually featured by the bikers in an orange uniform, which picks up and drops the traveler at standard rates.
- Do check for promo codes that are available as it reduces the fare.
Internet and Mobile Connectivity
The vast majority of cafes, restaurants, and hotels in Thailand will provide you with Wi-Fi Internet access. A local phone number is useful for ordering a taxi or contacting a hotel or a guide. It is reliable to buy a SIM card with unlimited mobile data and calls from a local mobile operator.
Thailand has three major GSM mobile service providers – AIS, DTAC, and True with high-speed mobile internet via 4G and 5G networks. Coverage is very good throughout the country, including all cities, tourist destinations, islands, and the rural countryside.
These three networks offer tourist prepaid plans that include everything you need such as unlimited international calls, unlimited internet, wi-fi networks, text, and messages, and many more.
Best Cities or Regions for Commuting to Work
Thailand is the country for location-independent professionals, plain and simple.
With Thailand’s famously low cost of living, fast internet, amazing food, and year-round balmy weather—not to mention the natural beauty and world-renowned friendliness of Thai people.
There are the top 5 places to live and work remotely in Thailand.
Chiang Mai
One of the most popular destinations in Thailand is Chiang Mai, the biggest city in Northern Thailand. Chiang Mai has the best combination of traditional and modern lifestyles. Experience a city with a low cost of living, great food, and a comfortable lifestyle.
Chiang Mai is most certainly the headquarters of the remote work movement in Thailand, which is why there are dozens of coworking spaces around town and hundreds of nomads who choose to call the northern capital their home. For those who tire easily of coworking spaces, there are hundreds of cafes with fast Wi-Fi (serving coffee grown in the mountains just outside the city) where you can settle down to work for a few hours.
While the Old City is the geographic and touristic center of the city, the trendy Nimman area near Chiang Mai University is where the digital professional community is concentrated. Other interesting neighborhoods to live in include Santhitam, Chang Phuak, Jed Yod, and the Night Market area. No matter where you choose, there is no shortage of affordable apartments, houses, and townhouses available in every price range.
For those who wish to live outside the city, Hang Dong and San Sai—a few kilometers to the southwest and northeast of the city, respectively—are popular expat areas with a wide range of cheap and comfortable houses for rent and sale.
The biggest downside of living in Chiang Mai is the crop-burning season from March to May when the air quality in Chiang Mai is at an all-time low, and even Doi Suthep cannot be seen through the haze.
Conclusion: Chiang Mai would be the best city for you to live in Thailand if you are a digital nomad. Because the cost of living there is inexpensive. They have so many cafes and coworking spaces for you to work and meet like-minded people. Moreover, it is the most peaceful city you could ever think of in Thailand.
Bangkok is one of a kind. Not only is it the most popular city in Thailand with tourists but it is also home to a large number of expats from all over the world due to its growing economy, facilities, and blooming expat communities.
There are a lot of buildings and coworking spaces in Bangkok that are made for startups. There are plenty of job opportunities in startup environments. Also, there are so many international agencies and companies as well. It’s safe to say that this is one of the best places to live in Thailand.
Bangkok is suitable for any family. Not only are there a number of outstanding schools you can choose for your kids, but it also has a wide range of family-friendly activities as well.
As the capital city of Thailand, Bangkok has a more robust healthcare system than the other cities. You will find loads of international hospital and clinic options in the city. Some might be specialists in a specific field. But it’s always a good idea to have a health insurance plan to make sure that you will get the best treatments at all times.
Conclusion: Bangkok is suitable for those who love city life, vibrant nightlife scenes, activities, and making connections. Bangkok offers a variety of cultural experiences, delicious food, and affordable cost of living. Moreover, it is suitable for those who are relocating with their family.
Chonburi is a province that is not too far away from Bangkok. This city is full of coastal areas, water activities, islands, and a vibrant city life that you might fall in love with. Here are some reasons that Chonburi might be the best place for you to live in Thailand.
The fact that there are more than 9 universities and many more schools in the area makes it very suitable for ex-pats who are looking for teaching jobs. There are some international schools as well.
Certain areas of Chonburi serve as industrial manufacturing hubs, including well-known industrial companies. This makes Chonburi an ideal location for engineers and other professionals with specialized skills for working in manufacturing.
Conclusion: Chonburi is an excellent location for those seeking jobs in the teaching or manufacturing fields. With its growing economy and low cost of living, it’s a perfect place to live in Thailand for anyone looking for a bustling town with beautiful beaches and nearby islands.
Koh Samui
Koh Samui is on another level compared to Phuket as it is the gem of the Gulf of Thailand. You can live in very fancy apartments here or in a local apartment. Both will still let you experience the best of what the island has to offer.
You will find local food places readily available everywhere in the city. That said, the downside is that Southern food is often very spicy. If you love spicy food, that can be enjoyable. However, if you don’t, you may need to pay a bit extra to eat in restaurants in tourist areas or in a Western restaurant.
Moreover, there are choices for Indian food, Malaysian food, and a lot more. Alternatively, you can try out different types of food just by walking down the street or at the food market.
Koh Samui is full of luxury hotels and resorts, but they don’t cost as much as you would have thought. A two-bedroom in a luxury condominium can start from USD $800 a month. This price includes two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and many more facilities.
Due to the number of tourists visiting each year, Koh Samui has a growing hospitality industry. If you have a background in the industry, it would not be too hard for you to get a job there and grow toward the career path. Also, most people on the island speak English which is convenient for expats.
Conclusion: Koh Samui is good for you if you love the coastal city with a laid-back lifestyle. There are a lot of job opportunities in the hospitality industry that can make you good money. The city has it all, from the beaches, local food markets to luxury hotel dining places.
Phuket is also known as a diverse town with lots of food and culture. Besides, it has one of the best international schools in Thailand. It is a very expat-friendly city.
Phuket is one of the cities in Thailand with a large number of expats residing there. The city adapts to the needs of ex-pats by having great international schools such as the British International School and UWC Thailand. This makes Phuket suitable for relocating families with kids.
Phuket is a popular island. Flying to and from it is the best way to travel to other destinations. You can fly to almost any location in Thailand and Asia from Phuket International Airport. Explore what’s around you while you are there.
Even though Phuket can be somewhat expensive for some locals, it’s still considered an affordable city to live in compared to other big cities in Asia. USD 3 is enough for a meal, and the cost of renting a one-bedroom apartment starts at around USD 428 per month.
Finally, the healthcare system in Phuket is exceptional. There are a few well-known private hospitals such as Phuket International Hospital and Bangkok Hospital Phuket. Additionally, there are several medical tourism projects going on, too.
Moreover, most people and professionals in Phuket can speak and communicate in English, so you do not have to worry about communication at all.
Conclusion: Phuket is the best place to live in Thailand if you are looking for a city that welcomes ex-pats, has a great diversity of food and cultures, has a good school for your kids, and has amazing beaches. You can live comfortably here if you are making USD $1200 – $1500 per month or more.
Accessibility to Main Business Hubs
Thailand is the center of Asia’s MICE business. With its strategic location in the heart of ASEAN, Thailand is a connecting point to the rest of Asia. The Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (Public Organization), or TCEB, has formulated a strategic plan for the development of the Thai MICE industry. TCEB’s plan includes cooperation with strategic partners in the ongoing development of the 10 key MICE cities across the country.
Additionally, it has established regional conference and exhibition promotion offices in the country’s four regions that work with government agencies and the private sector to support MICE events and organizers across the country. TCEB is working proactively to continue to develop Thailand’s MICE industry and create sustainable models of prosperity to lay the foundations for Thailand to be the center of Asia’s MICE business. TCEB continues its close work with provincial authorities and local associations, agencies, and entrepreneurs to build awareness and employment opportunities across the country, ready to unlock MICE opportunities with a formula based on the principles of “Revive, Support and Promote”. The aim is to push the Thai MICE industry to the forefront of the Asian MICE landscape and seek out every opportunity to help revitalize all aspects of the nation’s economy.
Strategic Location
Thailand is a key link between countries in Asia, with economic ties spanning the continent that include the transfer of goods, services, skilled labor, trade, and investment. Thailand is the continent’s gateway between ASEAN and the rest of Asia. It is also an important production and export base for many of the world’s major industries, including the automobile and automobile component industries, computers, and IT industries.
Easy Access
Thailand enjoys a strategic location within Asia and boasts many facilities, public utilities, and international-standard convention centers. The country is home to 10 MICE cities: Bangkok, Khon Kaen, Chiang Mai, Nakhon Ratchasima, Phitsanulok, Pattaya, Phuket, Songkhla, Surat Thani, and Udon Thani, with additional locations ready to be added to the list of options for a wide variety of MICE activities.
The government has accelerated its investment plans to expand the country’s Suvarnabhumi, Don Muang, Phuket, and U-Tapao international airports. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasts that the number of arrivals to Thailand will increase to 200 million passengers per year by 2031.
1. The Suvarnabhumi Airport Development Project Phase 2 includes the construction of the Secondary Aircraft Concourse 1 (SAT-1). Construction is now complete, and it is expected to open before the end of this year. The building can accommodate 60 million passengers per year, up from the current 45 million capacity. The development of the airport’s third runway is scheduled for completion in 2024. The development will increase the airport’s capacity to accommodate aircraft to 94 flights per hour, up from the current two-runway capacity of 68 flights per hour.
2. Phase 3 of Don Muang Airport’s Development Project comprises construction of a third passenger terminal, a new concourse building, taxiway, warehouse, and additional supporting infrastructure including a new car park building, office building, development of the airport road, maintenance buildings, garbage collection areas, drainage systems, fire and rescue buildings, and more. The project will see the airport’s capacity grow from 30 million to 40 million passengers annually.
3. The U-Tapao Airport Development Project will support the economic activity in the Eastern Special Development Zone (EEC). The project is divided into four phases which, on completion in 2055, will see the airport able to accommodate 60 million passengers per year. Phase 1 of the project is scheduled to be completed in 2024 and will see the airport able to handle 15.9 million passengers annually.
4. Phase 2 of Phuket Airport’s Development Project will increase the airport’s annual passenger capacity from the current 12.5 million to 18 million. The project includes expansion of the international terminal, expansion of aircraft parking bays, aprons, and utility systems. The Airports of Thailand Public Co. Ltd. is in the process of hiring design consultants to work on the project details.
New Development
Transportation System Developments
The Yellow Line of Bangkok’s mass transit system, incorporating 23 stations, began service on 19 June 2023. The line supports 17,000 passengers in each direction each hour, with 30 trains currently operating on the line meeting the needs of citizens. The Yellow Line conveniently links to other Bangkok rail systems and provides easy access to:
- Shopping malls, including Union Mall, Central Ladprao, The Mall Bangkapki, Thanya Park, Mega Bangna, Central Bangna, Seacon Square and Imperial World Samrong.
- Hospitals, including Ladprao, Paulo, Vetchthani, Samithivej, Thai Nakarin, Gluay Nam Thai 2, and Ramkhamhaeng.
- Public parks, including Chatuchak, Railway, Arboretum Klongchan, Bang Krachao, and Suan Luang Rama IX.
Technology Development
Virtual experience, or technology, employs technologies such as AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality), and Metaverse to create 360-degree virtual realities that allow people to connect between the real world and the virtual world, offering them new and unique experiences. This can be especially useful in the tourism industry engaging travelers with immersive virtual MICE or art exhibition experiences or virtual-reality tours.
Personnel Development
In the second half of 2023, the Thai government is accelerating its human resource development programs to further stimulate the economy. Such programs aim to bring more revenues into the country, enhance economic and social stability, and provide sustainable pathways for labor resources and training so that workforce skills are continually developing to meet the needs of a changing world and demand from the international market. Training programs include a focus on language readiness, technological advances, and support for those wishing to learn new skills and change career paths. Such offerings increase the ability to earn more and elevate long-term worker productivity, enhancing the lives of workers and their families, and helping build a more equitable and sustainable society and economy.
Thailand is one of the most welcoming countries in the world and is known as the “Land of Smiles”. The Thai people are warm and friendly, welcoming you to a stunningly beautiful country filled with historical riches and the culture of Thailand.
Thais are renowned for their friendliness, kindness, and warmth, which is generously extended to foreigners. Their gracious hospitality is hard to beat!
But the true beauty for visitors is being able to spend time with the local population. Thais are very congenial people and tend to be very welcoming to visitors. Most Thais you’ll meet are unpretentious and down to earth.
You’ll love meeting the friendly Thai people, always ready to do everything in their power to make you comfortable, from recommending restaurants to helping with directions, whatever will make your visit easier. Wherever you go in Thailand, there will be happy, smiling, extremely polite people ready to help you!
Thai culture is very family-oriented, making this a child-friendly, safe place for traveling with children and babies.
Core values that form the bedrock of Thai daily life include respect, freedom, loyalty, merit, compassion, and harmony. With a strong work ethic and a willingness to be content with what they have, Thai attitudes are reflected in their efforts to achieve satisfaction in life, playfully making the most of any situation.
What makes it hard for expats to integrate into Thai society?
Integrating into any new society can be challenging, and Thailand is no exception. Some factors that can make it difficult for ex-pats to integrate into Thai society include:
Language: Thai is the official language of Thailand, and while many people in urban areas speak English, it can still be challenging to communicate with locals who don’t speak English.
Culture: Thai culture can be very different from what many Westerners are used to, with different social norms, customs, and expectations. For example, Thai culture places a strong emphasis on respect for elders and authority figures.
Work culture: The work culture in Thailand can also be very different from what expats may be used to in their home countries. For example, there may be a different approach to punctuality, hierarchy, and communication in the workplace.
Visa restrictions: Expats in Thailand are often limited by visa restrictions, which can make it difficult to fully integrate into Thai society. For example, some visas may require the expat to leave the country periodically, which can disrupt their ability to build long-term relationships and establish roots in the community.
Xenophobia: While not widespread, some expats have reported experiencing xenophobia in Thailand. This can make it more challenging to integrate into the local community and feel a sense of belonging.
It’s important to note that not all expats will experience these challenges, and many people are able to integrate into Thai society and form meaningful relationships with locals. However, being aware of these potential challenges can help expats prepare and adapt to their new environment.
Communities or Groups for Expats
Networking Options in Bangkok
There are several clubs in Bangkok whose main aim is to help expats network, for business and pleasure. Clubs such as the Royal Bangkok Sport’s Club and the British Club have several expat members who visit on a daily and weekly basis. They are good places to meet fellow expats as there are many social events held throughout the year.
Expat’s Association of Bangkok
The Expat’s Association of Bangkok is an organization whose goal is to introduce ex-pats to each other, provide a social network to both new and established ex-pats living within the city and provide support and advice. A number of expats throughout the city attend the weekly meetings that are held at different restaurants throughout the CBD. It is a fairly low-key club that is largely attended by retired and semi-retired ex-pats, but they often have invaluable information on important issues affecting ex-pats in the city. For more information, contact Kurt Mekong at: [email protected].
Bangkok Expats Club
Contact: [email protected]
New Zealand Society of Thailand
Business and Professional Organizations
Chambers of Commerce
The Chambers of Commerce throughout Bangkok have regular social evenings, which are held at the embassies throughout the city. The Australian Chamber of Commerce is the most active hosting monthly gatherings, open to everyone. They are free for members, but there is a charge of 750 baht for non-members. The gatherings are held at different venues throughout the city, although they are usually at five-star hotels. For more information, contact The American and British Chamber of Commerce also have regular events, details of which are found on their websites: and
The Foreign Correspondence Club of Bangkok
Anyone can attend their monthly meetings which are very popular with all the ex-pat community.
Mainly for the engineering and construction community as well as high-level directors and executives.
Private Clubs and Country Clubs
88 Moo 1, Bangna-Trad Rd., Km 35.5, Tambol Pimpa,Amphur Bangpakong, Chacheongsao 24180
Other Expat Clubs
Rotary Clubs (
Women’s Clubs
There are several women’s clubs, which have monthly meetings and social events. These are especially popular with women who have young children and families as it is an escape for them for a few hours. The most popular clubs are:
American Women’s Club of Thailand
They provide a networking opportunity for women and organize fund-raising events for some of the city’s charities. They have sporting teams for bowling, golf, and tennis, organized coffee mornings and lunches, and ladies’ nights out which include dinner and drinks at different venues around town.
Socializing and Networking
In the following, you will see some of the most effective ways to establish a network in Bangkok.
You don’t have to be in Thailand to start making contacts. There are several ways you can start building your network before you’ve even stepped on the plane.
Family/Friends/Professional Contacts
The simplest way to start networking is to reach out to people you already know. Thailand is an extremely popular destination for a lot of expats, so it’s not entirely implausible that you’ll know people working here already.
A quick trawl through your social media contacts may potentially turn up some surprises. They don’t even have to be working in Thailand–if they’ve worked in the country for a reasonable length of time in the past, chances are they’d have built up a list of contacts who may still be in the country and can be reached out to.
Professional contacts can also be useful sources for making connections, with the added advantage that those connections will more than likely be in your chosen field of employment. Even if they’re not, the ex-pat communities in many Thai cities–even Bangkok–tend to be tight-knit, and it’s not unusual for ex-pats of different professions to socialize together, so even a professional contact in a totally unrelated field could prove helpful.
Making Connections Through Work
If you work for a multinational company with a branch in Thailand, chances are that you’ll have a network of fellow employees already set up and waiting for you. It’s a good idea to reach out to and get to know these employees beforehand to make your transition to Thailand easier.
Social Media
Perhaps the most effective means of networking–and certainly the most comfortable. There are a huge number of social media sites out there for professionals looking to meet like-minded folks.
LinkedIn, the “social network for professionals,” is an excellent tool for networking with people in your chosen field. Opening an account is straightforward and once activated you’ll be available for potential future employers to peruse your details.
Once you’ve arrived in Thailand, you’re going to want to start meeting people face-to-face. If the methods we’ve discussed so far have yet to produce anything solid, there are a number of ways you can go out and make some useful connections.
Networking Events
You’re spoiled for choice when it comes to networking events in Bangkok. There are frequent meetups for people involved in just about every field of employment–so many that it can be a little disorientating. The following are some good places to start.
Search Associates
Search Associates is a recruitment organization for international school educators. They host annual (and sometimes bi-annual) recruitment fairs in several cities across the world, including Bangkok. Typically, a fair can have up to 130 employers present, as well as some 600 candidates seeking work.
Entrance to a fair is by invitation only, which can be secured by signing up as a member of Search Associates via the website linked above. Signing up can be a pretty involved process, including submitting a number of forms and paying a membership fee.
Another good potential “in” when it comes to meeting people is volunteering. In Thailand, there is no shortage of projects you can get involved in. These projects range from helping to take care of elephants to assisting vulnerable women.
Participation in Local Activities and Community Events
Keep an eye on newspapers, social media announcements, join a class or group, or through your work colleagues. Whether it’s a music and arts festival, a performance by the local dance troupe, or a special presentation such as an outdoor movie viewing, etc.
Getting acquainted with the way things work in Thailand was a bit of a challenge. In the event of a medical emergency, one must arrange for their own transport.
How to call an ambulance
To call an ambulance in the event of a medical emergency, simply dial the numbers listed below to speak to an operator. For life-threatening emergencies, the operators will contact the nearest local hospital to dispatch a fully equipped ambulance to deal with the particular emergency. On the other hand, if your emergency isn’t life-threatening, the operators will dispatch a voluntary ambulance, which is dotted around the city and may not be as equipped as a hospital one.
For Bangkok: 1646
For the whole of Thailand (including Bangkok): 1669
Given this, if you know where the nearest hospital to you is, it’s best to call the hospital directly to request an ambulance, as this will save precious time. You should also jot down the names of hospitals close to your home, workplace, or areas that you frequent often. If you’re going on holiday elsewhere in the country, it also can’t hurt to find out where the nearest hospitals are. Once you know their names, find out their numbers and save them on your phone.
Both the hospital and volunteer ambulance services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There’s good coverage throughout the country, especially in and around Bangkok. It’s also important to note that if you encounter heavy traffic, ambulances typically have the right of way and can speed through the jam of cars.
What to say to an operator
Now that you’ve got on a call, what do you say to the operator? First things first, you’ll need to remain calm and level-headed. As best as possible, give clear and accurate information to the operator. For the most part, this will cover essential information such as your location, medical situation, and personal details. The following provides you with the full list and some useful tips to bear in mind:
Location: Look around you for landmarks. In addition to providing your street name, is there anything else you can tell them that will make them locate you easily?
Medical situation: What is your current state? How much pain are you in? If calling for someone else, what are their key vital stats? Are they awake and breathing?
Medical history: Briefly describe any known medical condition that may be related to the current medical emergency.
Patient record (only if calling a hospital): Have you or the patient in question visited the hospital before? If so, tell them, as this will give them access to patient records.
How to assist the ambulance crew
If you’re in public, make sure to ask for help, as there may be a qualified first-aider or medical professional around. Moreover, ensure you’re in a well-lit area and away from hazards like passing vehicles. On the contrary, if you’re calling from home or work, ask someone to direct the paramedics to where they’re needed. In any case, you’ll have to update the ambulance crew if your location changes and keep in hand important documents like medical insurance cards.
Private vs Public hospitals
If you’re calling a hospital directly, you’ll have a choice between a public or private hospital. While both are excellent, private hospitals, especially the ones catering to medical tourists, are more experienced in dealing with foreigners. You may even be able to get an interpreter for languages other than Thai or English. What’s more, the level of care and attention you receive at the private hospital will also be superior.
When it comes to medical emergencies, you don’t want to be in a position where you’re forced to compromise, so you should consider expat health insurance.
Steps to Follow in Case of a Medical Emergency
There are 9 important things to know before calling the Emergency hotline 1669:
- When experiencing an emergency illness, keep calm and call the hotline at 1669.
- Provide information about what happened, how many patients and injured people
- Tell the scene of the incident, and the route to the accident point clearly.
- Tell gender, age range, symptoms, and number of patients or injured.
- Tell the level of consciousness of the patient.
- Tell the risk that may occur again. For example, in the middle of the road or in a gas car.
- Tell the name of the person who can inform the phone number that can be contacted.
- Initial assistance according to the advice of the staff.
- Wait for the rescue team to pick up the patient to deliver to the hospital.
Natural Disasters
Water Floods are considered the natural disasters that cause the most damage to Thailand, causing loss of life and property, especially during the rainy season. There is a risk of flooding in many forms, both flash floods flooding, and water overflowing to prevent and reduce the impact of flooding. Things to know to prepare for and conduct oneself properly and safely when a flooding occurs:
In the case of living in a house, proceed as follows.
- Move items and appliances up high. Especially electrical appliances and valuables from the flood level, including evacuating pets to a safe area.
- Cut off the electricity by turning off the power switch, and chopping the cutout to prevent leakage current and cause electric shock Do not use and touch the appliance when your body is wet or standing on a damp floor. because it will cause death by electric shock.
- Travel in water overflowing with traversing sticks. Do not walk in the lead during the night because of the risk of falling into the water.
- Do not come close to wires, electric poles or touch conductive objects such as metal, lead, aluminum, or copper because if there is a leakage of electricity, it will cause death by electric shock.
- Always wear boots when wading in water. to prevent danger from poisonous animals, sharp materials prick or pound your feet. If the water is high, use floating materials that have clings to support you while wading through floods, which will help prevent drowning.
- Be careful during flooding, especially drowning electrical accidents, poisonous creatures that may escape the water to live in the house Broken glass, or sharp objects submerged in water Including the epidemic during flood causes more danger.
- Do not engage in activities in areas with high flooding and turbulent currents such as fishing, or farming, to prevent drowning, and should not stay in the water for a long time as it may cause cramps. causing drowning and death.
In case of having to evacuate from the area, proceed as follows.
Evacuate through a safe route with life safety in mind. Helping children and the elderly first Ready to follow the evacuation plan to a safe place. do not migrate along the path of the water flow Avoid crossing rivers with knee-high water and strong currents. because it may be washed away by water And get dangerous from logs or stones floating down the water. Do not drive a car or motorcycle through areas with high flooding as the strength of the current may blow the vehicle off course, causing drowning the car to be dangerous.
People living in high-risk areas should pack essential items in survival bags. To be able to live during the disaster for at least 3 – 5 days, consumer goods such as rice, dry food, food cans, clean drinking water, medicines, necessary utensils such as flashlights, spare batteries, candles, lighters, whistles, ropes, black plastic bags, and toilet paper. Disinfectant, folding knife can opener, important documents such as ID cards Citizens, house registration, land title deeds, and bank account book, ready to prepare. Make several copies and store them in a plastic bag or waterproof envelope. To prevent documents from being damaged, the survival bag should be stored in a safe place. Including regularly checking the items and utensils in the survival bag in a condition that can be used immediately upon happening.
Severe weather events are likely to disrupt transport, electricity, and communications.
To stay safe during severe weather:
- Check media and weather reports.
- Check in with your tour operator.
- Take official warnings seriously.
- Don’t enter areas affected by flooding or landslides.
If there is a natural disaster:
- Secure your passport in a safe, waterproof place.
- Keep in contact with friends and family.
- Monitor the media and other local sources of information.
- Follow the advice of local authorities.
- Register with the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System to receive alerts on major disasters.
Support in Emergency Situations
It is recommended that all expats register with their respective national embassy or consulate and follow the guidelines for emergency and disaster situations. Likewise, all expats must register with their preferred hospital, and for medical emergencies keep the hospital emergency hotline number and the public emergency number 1669 in their possession and preferably on their phone.
Reloc8 Asia Pacific Group
Reloc8 consists of key partners located in 13 countries across the Asia Pacific region. Together, we offer employee mobility services to clients seeking assistance in 24 locations throughout Asia, including: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. In addition to these, we extend our services to the following destinations: Fiji, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, The Solomons, The Maldives, Guam, and Phom Penh. Our members represent the premier destination and immigration service providers in the Asia Pacific region. Each partner maintains their unique style and cultural identity, contributing to the Alliance’s diverse and multicultural atmosphere. However, they all share a collective commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and service excellence.